#14 UFO Gaming Fortnightly

UFO Gaming
13 min readJul 22, 2022


#UFOARMY! Put on your reading glasses and prepare a coffee for this one.

With an emphasis on the staking dApp, the 14th edition of the Fortnightly will give an overview of the Staking dApp, UFOGEES, Hacken Audit, Super Galactic PVP, and a Community Q & A.

Video Format with Ace👇

Article Content 👇

  1. Staking dApp
  2. Staking dApp Tutorial
  4. Hacken Audit
  5. Super Galactic: Alpha — Campaign and PVP
  6. Future PVP Modes
  7. Patch Update
  8. Community Q & A
  9. UFO Gaming Monthly

1. Staking dApp

UFO Army, behold!

The audit we were waiting on for the staking dApp is completed, and with a security score of 10 out of 10, we are ready to release.

We are thrilled to announce the official release date for the staking dApp.

On July 29th, the staking dapp will begin accepting deposits.

This also indicates that “The Dark Metaverse” will launch on July 29, 2022.

🛸Patience, #UFOARMY. ⚫️The Dark Metaverse approaches.⚫️

The staking dApp will enable the #UFOARMY to earn dual rewards while contributing to the UFO Gaming ecosystem.

As previously indicated, the quantity of incentives grows as the stake is locked for longer.

Let’s recall why the staking dApp is such an important part of the UFO Gaming ecosystem.

Staking Details

(APR is not accurate in this screenshot)
(APR is not accurate in this screenshot)

Choose between $UFO single-staking and LP staking — LP Staking’s pool has 75% of the total rewards — Lock duration determines weight rewards — Choose between 1–52 weeks — The longer the lock, the higher the APY.

  • Single-staking $UFO gives you $UFO and Plasma Point rewards (lower weight of the rewards).
  • Staking UFO-ETH LP tokens gives you UFO and Plasma Point Rewards (higher weight of the rewards).
  • Choose between “No Lock” or “Locked” staking. Locked staking gives more rewards.
  • No lock = 1x rewards (unstake at any time).
  • Locked for 0–52 weeks = 1–2x rewards.
  • You can unstake at any time if you choose “No Lock/Flexible Staking.”
  • You’ll continue to get rewards until you unstake your position.
  • There will be a separate claim button for Plasma Points and UFO rewards.
  • When you press “unstake”, your entire stake will be withdrawn.

Plasma Points

  • Plasma Points will be claimable and distributed right away.
  • When you “claim” Plasma Point rewards, they will be unlocked after pushing the “claim” button.

UFO Rewards

  • UFO Rewards will have a vesting schedule of 12 months.
  • When you “claim” UFO rewards, they will be unlocked 12 months after pushing the “claim” button.
  • The second you press claim, the release of the rewards will come 12 months later. If you claim today, you’ll receive the current reward batch 18.04.2010, if you still stake and press the claim button in 1 week you’ll get the rewards accrued for that week 12 months later 18.04.2011, and so on.

Don’t forget; the Dark Metaverse Launch Party is set to happen on the same day as the staking launch.

2. Staking dApp Tutorial — How to stake?

If you are curious about how you stake your UFO tokens, look no further.👇

1. Buy UFO

Press “Buy UFO.”

Buy option on Uniswap

Option 2: Buy UFO on Uniswap👇


Remember to always double-check that the contract address is correct.

UFO Contract address: 0x249e38ea4102d0cf8264d3701f1a0e39c4f2dc3b

Step 1: Swap ETH for UFO

Once you have arrived at Uniswap, enter the amount of ETH you want to swap for $UFO. Press “Swap.”

Step 2: Confirm on Metamask

After pressing “Swap” and “Confirm”, you’ll have to set the appropriate gas fees and press “Confirm” on the Metamask notification.

Congratulations, you can now use $UFO tokens to stake.

2. How to provide liquidity

Step 1: Provide LP token on Uniswap👇 https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/v2/ETH/0x249e38Ea4102D0cf8264d3701f1a0E39C4f2DC3B?chain=mainnet

LP option on Uniswap

Input your contibution amount to the UFO Gaming Uniswap LP. Click on “Approve UFO” to approve the transaction of your selected token (UFO) between Metamask and Uniswap.

Set the number of selected tokens you wish to contribute to the Uniswap UFO-ETH LP. Click “Supply” to proceed.

Check the data and click “confirm” to confirm the contribution to the LP

Set transaction fee and confirm on Metamask.

3. How to bridge

There are two ways to bridge your tokens from Ethereum to Polygon. Either go to https://wallet.polygon.technology/login/, follow the steps below, and press “Polygon Bridge,” or you can utilize the widget on our in-house staking dApp.

To transfer your Ethereum tokens to Polygon, go to the deposit page and choose the token you want to bridge.

Enter the sum and click the transfer button. Read the notes on the next page and then click the Continue button. Then, you’ll be prompted to accept the anticipated gas expenses and click “Continue.”

In-house bridging

After connecting your wallet, simply press “my wallet” and “bridge tokens to polygon.”

Accept the signature request.

To transfer your Ethereum tokens to Polygon, go to the deposit page and choose the token you want to bridge.

Enter the sum and click the transfer button. Read the notes on the next page and then click the Continue button. Then, you’ll be prompted to accept the anticipated gas expenses and click “Continue.”

4. How to stake

Step 1: Go to the staking website (when released).

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Connect your wallet by pressing the right corner.

Choose between your favorite wallet application. In our case, we will go for Metamask.

Step 3: Choose your stake

Scroll down to “pools” and press “stake” on either UFO or UFO-ETH LP, depending on which tokens you want to stake. The procedure is the same for both.

In the Staking modal, you will have several options. You can choose either UFO or UFO-ETH LP tokens, and the staking duration from 0–52 weeks. The longer you stake, the more APY and subsequent rewards.

Step 4: Approve Staking

Enter the amount of UFO or UFO-ETH LP you want to stake.

Slide the bar to decide how long you want to lock your stake. The longer you lock, the higher rewards.

Once you have decided on the amount and duration, press “Approve Staking”.

Notification to confirm your transaction

Confirm the transaction on Metamask.

Step 5: Monitor your stakes

Under the “My Stakes” section, you can freely claim and unstake. However, if you have locked your stake, you can’t unstake until the duration is up.



We will discuss the specifics of utility, staking, and limit in a revised and comprehensive article. This explanatory piece is anticipated during the next weeks.

To the UFO Army: You will have the chance to join one of the most fascinating NFT collections, with utilities that will keep you occupied for months.

Our previous undertakings and advances have reached a confidence point, allowing us to deliver the first NFT collection to our devoted community.

4. Hacken Audit

We are excited to showcase the Hacken audit of our Staking Dapp. The entire version will be uploaded to https://hacken.io within a month’s time.

The severity of issues can be described with four definitions: Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

We are proud to say that our contracts have no critical or High issues. From the Medium and Low issue, they are defined as semantic issues, which is reprehended by tweaking the style of code, not its functions.

In other words, we are good to go.

Executive Summary

The score measurement details can be found in the corresponding section of the methodology. Our community can review this when Hacken releases the audit on their website: https://hacken.io within a month’s time.

Documentation quality

The Customer provided functional requirements and technical requirements as comments in the code.

The total Documentation Quality score is 10 out of 10.

Architecture quality

The architecture quality score is 10 out of 10. Code reusability could be improved. Security score As a result of the audit, security engineers found only 1 low severity issues. The security score is 10 out of 10. All found issues are displayed in the “Findings” section.

Summary: According to the assessment, the Customer’s smart contract scored 9.5.

Checked Items

The pictures below showcase that Hacken has audited our provided smart contracts for commonly known and more specific vulnerabilities. Here are some of the items that are considered:

We feel confident that the proper security measures have been taken. With no Critical, High, or Medium issues, a total documentation quality score of 10 out of 10, a security score of 10 out of 10, and a final score of 9.5 out of 10, we finally concluded to release the staking dApp to our beloved community.

Summary score
Documentation score
Security score

The low severity issue that was found is of a semantic nature, only highlighting potential “grammatical” and “style” changes to the code. However, it is important to note that every developer has their own unique set of code styles.

5. 🎮Super Galactic: Alpha — Campaign and PVP🎮


We are very excited to showcase Super Galactic’s first PVP mode, a duel format.

Last week we shipped our PVP mode — allowing Super Galactic players to put their skills to the test.

Search with the same specific Game Tag to queue up and battle against a friend. This will create a private lobby for both of you.

Fight your friends in a private lobby, or queue up against a random player. ⚔️


🎉 Congratulations to the new 365 Super Galactic: Alpha players! 🎉

After the successful end of our second alpha campaign, we have given, in total, 1,565 players access to Super Galactic.

When the latest patch and PVP have been released, remember to download the latest version of the game on the google drive link to access PVP mode. This updating process will be automated at a later stage (beta).

You can learn more about this here: https://ufogaming.medium.com/%EF%B8%8Fsuper-galactic-pvp-campaign-winners-c8c0673d775c

6. Future PVP Modes

The first mode that has been published is a basic duel mode, which allows you to fight anybody who is randomly lined up at the same time as you, or you and a buddy may queue with identical game tags.

We will eventually incorporate modes such as deathmatch, battlefield, perhaps even a royale mode, and arena. These modes will give additional possibilities and challenges for gamers to compete against one another.

We have been pursuing ideas from the community and will continue to inquire about which modes seem interesting.

7. Patch Update

For those who didn’t catch last week’s news, PVP mode is live! And with it, we brought some huge updates to Super Galactic.

We added PVP mode, additional PVE systems such as a drop-system, and three more characters. Each of these characters has a set of 3 abilities, which means we introduced 9 new sets of abilities that you can utilize in your space voyage!

We are constantly reviewing your support tickets, updating the game, and preparing for the live version.

Path Notes:

  • PvP

- Search with the same specific Game Tag to queue up and battle against a friend. This will create a private lobby for both of you.

- Duel mode

  • Single

- Drop system: in-game resources like hp, shield, energy, and ammo will be replenished by picking up drops from defeated enemies.

  • New characters

- Incendius


+ Zealous strikes

+ Napalm sprinkling

+ Flame stream

- Zegoc


+ Round slash

+ Laser beam

+ Flash

- Myronox


+ Boundless strike

+ Thunderwave

+ Grenade throw

  • Players can utilize the environment to replenish their HP, shields, energy, and ammo.
  • Play with 5 characters instead of 2.
  • More abilities were added.
  • PVP duel mode added

8. Community Q & A

#1 Question by ShakyCryptoKnee

I think it’s a little overlooked at times, but with your involvement with E-Sports and having been a sponsor at events already, and owning a team, what are the teams future plans in the realm of E-Sports?

Answer: Along with developing our own platform and ecosystem, UFO Gaming is focused on having a robust esports presence in some of the most popular titles. We are intent on recognizing and supporting grassroots competitive potential while also establishing a presence in the esports industry.

Among some of the plans we can expose: We will be hosting our own tournaments in our own games. In addition, we will be supporting the general esport market by sponsoring additional teams in the future.

#2 Question by Erik Johnson

Partnerships! I would love for you to highlight what partnerships are in the works. I.e. ubisoft, binance, FTX, activision, microsoft, coinbase, etc.

Answer: To be announced ;) We promise you won’t be disappointed. You can rejoice in our current partnerships, which consist of Chainlink, Kadena, and Kucoin, to name a few…

#3 Question by Curvy Christian

Would you consider using the ARC marketplace for NFT transactions given the fees are so low?

Answer: We’ll definitely look into it. However, we are building our very own NFT marketplace, which will have several chain possibilities. Fees will not be a problem with our in-house marketplace.

#4 Question by Monkey Sun

1. Energy Steal 2. Critical Attack 3. Range Damage 4. Damage Advantage 5. Energy Recovery 6. Health Treatment 7. Flash 8. Team Shield 9. Invincibility 10. Crowd control (eg. silence, sleep, slow, stun) Are these abvoe elements can considered in super galaitic

Answer: Definitely! You’ll be happy to know that most of these abilities are already implemented in our full version. Alpha players only have select abilities available to them. We’ll discuss with our game developers the rest, but I’m sure we can get some of these in for you ;)

#5 Question by Tarrus

Answer: Yes! Our native $UFO token will be the base pair with a ton of use-cases. However, UAP will also be utilized for in-game purchases.

#6 Question by Lapicuck

Don’t let the haters criticize and spit in the soup, you will get there, your project is solid and ambitious.

Answer: We truly appreciate the support, Lapi!

#7 Question by Sheikh of Crypto ⚡️

#UFOgaming is the most bullish #Metaverse project in spite of all those FUD and scam comments here and there. Go ahead @TheUFOtoken 🚀💎🥳

Answer: Thank you for the support, Sheikh!

9. UFO Gaming Monthly

We are waving goodbye to the Fortnightly updates and changing the format to “UFO Gaming”. This means that the next article with this type of content will be available 26th of August. Don’t worry, updates will arrive continuously — UFO Gaming Fortnightly was intended to neatly package all updates during a two-week period in one article. However, after releasing 14 articles, we realized that a two-week period is too compressed. Therefore we have decided to release these community updates every month instead of every two weeks.

Learn more about UFO:

UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized gaming platform bridging traditional games onto the blockchain and giving players the ability to earn while playing. Blockchain. P2E. Metaverse. Virtual land. NFT. Gaming.



UFO Gaming

UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized inter-galactic social gaming token. Website: https://www.ufogaming.io/ | Telegram: https://t.me/ufotokenofficial