#2 UFO Gaming Fortnightly
Feb. 4th, 2022— Genesis NFTs & Audit Update

It’s time for the second UFO Gaming Fortnightly, and what a week we’ve had. Each day brings us closer to releasing one of our first significant products, our staking app, and subsequent phase releases.
As previously stated, the staking app will initiate the casual sequence of our next product releases in stages, beginning with boosting value flow throughout our ecosystem, raising our liquidity TVL, and bootstrapping our economic incentives. This includes our NFT Marketplace, a unique trading platform for UFO NFT assets that incorporates holder incentives, a two-token system, the release of our debut game, and more.
👇 If you’re interested in learning more about these stages, the first Fortnightly update had some information about it which is available here.
(#1 UFO Gaming Bi-Weekly — Friday 21st 2022 | by UFO Gaming | Jan, 2022 | Medium).
Staking app
NFT Marketplace
Breeding Contracts
UAP launch (2nd token)
Game Integration SCs
Beta Game Launch
Official Game Launch
PVE & PVP multiplayerVirtual Land
Metaverse Build Out
This Fortnightly update will shed light on:
- The Modernization & Evolution of Genesis NFTs
- → The Frankenstein Problem
- → What are Genesis NFTs?
- → Breeding structure
- → Genesis NFT summary
- → New Genesis NFTs: Issue, Solution & Functionality
- → Lore
- → Fire — The Incendius Soldier
- → Electro — The Lumina Soldier
- → Toxic — The Veilinos Soldier
- Audit — Two out of three
- eSport Team HORIZON — ZeroNothing, Mimu & Ruabbe
The Modernization & Evolution of Genesis NFTs
The Frankenstein Problem
Our game developers encountered what they referred to as the ‘Frankenstein Problem’.
The old Genesis NFT body parts mixup when breeding did not work well because of their asymmetrical nature, so it looked a little like this when different NFTs were bred together.

The instant solution was to create a new variant — the second generation Genesis NFTs.
Now don’t worry. The first generation will still be around in the game and elsewhere.
What are Genesis NFTs?
If you are out of the loop, here’s a quick rundown👇
There are three classes of playable NFTs: 1. Genesis UFOep, 2. Alpha UFOep, and 3. Beta UFOep.
The Genesis UFOep or Genesis NFT can breed to create Genesis Alpha UFOeps, and Genesis Beta UFOep.
Breeding structure
If both Parent A & B = Genesis UFOep :: then the breed = Alpha
If Parent A = Genesis UFOep & Parent B = Alpha :: then the breed = Alpha
If Parent A = Alpha & Parent B = Alpha :: then the breed = Beta
If Parent A = Alpha & Parent B = Beta :: then the breed = Beta
If Parent A = Genesis UFOep & Parent B = Beta :: then the breed = Beta
If Parent A = Beta & Parent B = Beta :: then the breed = Beta
Genesis NFT summary
- There will be 10 unique representations of the Genesis NFTs.
- Scarce: Only 10,000 will be minted.
- However, by breeding two Genesis NFTs, the amount of Alpha- and Beta NFTs will exponentially increase.
- You need two Genesis NFTs to breed a new one.
- You need Plasma Points to mint Genesis NFTs.
- Genesis NFTs are needed to play our debut game, Super Galactic.
- One NFT can breed up to 7 times.
- Unique use-case. The element of time, NFTs, and a complex rating system all work together to make the innovative Super Galactic P2E model.
New Genesis NFTs: Issue, Solution & Functionality
The Genesis NFTs will transition to one base model. Shortly, we will update you with brand new lore and high-quality models for each character.
The concept, amount of characters, and narrative will not change too much from your beloved first generation, but there are notable upgrades. There will be 10 versions, and we will reveal three of them in today’s update. Each of these new models has four-level upgrades.
These new models are made to fix the “Frankenstein” problem, giving a better visual representation of the different body parts, ultimately redefining the gameplay. It will be much easier to see what each ability, item, and body part does in the game, making the gameplay experience all-around better and smoother.
In addition, it makes a lot more sense in terms of breeding. The previous Genesis NFTs had an issue with mixups, causing the bred characters to look like “Frankenstein” models. Not a pleasant sight. Thus we have redesigned, remodeled, and improved the Genesis NFTs.
All details will be composed in an additional article, but we will provide you with a tease of three of the characters in this fortnightly update. Below this section, you can see the Fire, Electro, and Toxic trait NFTs. They have four possible upgrades, which will impact their gameplay and visual appearance.
Details; {head, chest, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg} →
{head, chest, arms, legs, ears, backpack}
- Body parts represent different damage types (electro, fire, toxic etc).
- Multiple variations of body parts per damage type to increase the number of visual diversity.
- Breeding mechanism stays the same.
- A narrative design that shows exactly what each body part does in-game.
- Designed to be mixed up from the beginning.
- Symmetry in the design.
Our beloved first-generation Genesis NFTs will still be in the game, but not in the initial way we thought. As Super Galactic has progressed through several stages of development, a decision has been made to modernize and upgrade the playable Genesis NFTs. As mentioned in the functionality section, this is simply done because of utility and practicality within gameplay, breeding and is intended to give you a cleaner game experience.

The Dophrax Soldier, The Myriad Soldier, The Erixior Soldier, The Klapex Soldier, The Zlearal Soldier, The Yliad Soldier, The Ecapex Soldier, The Ataen Soldier, and The Zritox Soldier will still stand proud in our games in their own way, as you will soon see yourself.
As the first army that served UFoger, the first generation Genesis Soldiers are regarded as legends in the realm of Super Galactic. The initial invasion of demons such as Vexfiend was halted because of these brave heroes.
However, to ultimately combat the second invasion’s new generation of bugs and demons, UFoger and the first-gen Genesis Soldiers needed to construct a new set of droids that were powerful, diverse, and adaptive enough to battle this second wave of adversaries. In comes the second-gen.
These new droids were made with the elements in mind. They can easily adapt their body parts with fire, lightning, poison — making them the ultimate killer-machines.
You can read the full storyline of the first-gen here:
- #1 Genesis NFT — The Dophrax Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Sep, 2021 | Medium
- #2 Genesis NFT — The Myriad Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #3 GENESIS NFT — THE ERIXIOR SOLDIER | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #4 Genesis NFT — The Klapex Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #5 Genesis NFT — The Zlearal Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #6 Genesis NFT — The Yliad Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #7 Genesis NFT — The Ecapex Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #8 Genesis NFT — The Ataen Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- #9 Genesis NFT — The Zritox Soldier | by UFO Gaming | Medium

☝️Fire — The Incendius Soldier
Born in flames, the Incendius Soldier is a droid that you don’t want to enrage.
This enraged robot of fire and wrath roams the Super Galactic world, engulfing any surrounding enemy in his flames. This second-generation Soldier is known by everyone as Incendius the dreadful.
UFoger and the first-generation were desperate to create a droid suitable to kill whatever stood in their way. However, they did not consider him to mistake them as his foes. You see, Incendius really did not care who he hurt. He only wanted victory. It did not matter who he won against. All that matters is that he is triumphant. Incendius lashed out with exploding flames, cursing his old master and every other living creature that stood in his way of triumph. UFoger and the Myriad Soldier narrowly escaped with their life.
Incendius has led an anarchic life for ages since that day, stealing and never returning anything to the Super Galactic realm, or his creators. He sometimes streaks over the skies like a blazing fire. He lays low and charges at other times, waiting for the distinct sight of demons to guide him to another triumph… Only a few people in Super Galactic can rival his force.

☝️Electro — The Lumina Soldier
Lightning, thunder. Lumina is not shy of lousy weather.
After helping the first generation and UFoger defending the world from the second invasion, Lumina had grown weary of the Super Galactic world, and all the fighting.
Super Galactic, a chaotic world undergoing continual upheaval, was a harsh place for a droid like Lumina. He journeyed in search of peace and balance. He traveled huge distances, exploring the world with great interest. However, he was always lured back to Super Galactic.
Lumina had learned through his travels that conflict is unavoidable. However, he is hopeful of finally putting an end to it. He had observed long-forgotten ancient conflicts and a nation fighting to recover in their wreckage. Lumina developed an interest in those who sought balance for themselves and their planet. He respected their dedicated defenders, despite their vulnerability.
Despite fighting the second wave of invasion, there were dangers to Super Galactic’s peacefulness. Malevolent demons wandered the realm with sinister intentions.
Lumina and Veilinos fought these demons for years, relishing the excitement each one offered, but in the end, they realized they were doing nothing to address the root cause of the invasions. Together with the other Genesis NFTs, Lumina seeks to stop evil from spreading.

☝️Toxic — The Veilinos Soldier
The Veilinos Soldier is a deadly droid capable of inflicting poisons on any opponent, leaving them gasping for air.
Veilinos’s past is unknown. All we know is that he has an immense infatuation with the Lumina soldier and his electric power.
As seen in the pictures below — for the new Genesis NFTs, there are 4 upgrade levels for each body part. Upon upgrading to the next level, parts visually change, adding secondary colors, emission, changing mesh itself, and adding VFX. There are 5 natural elements for now. Each element has a specific damage type and specific abilities for each body part.

The Second Generation Genesis NFTs above are only the first iterations.
Shortly, we will update you with brand new lore and high-quality models for each of the ten upcoming characters.

Audit — Two out of three
Two of the three companies we have hired to perform audits have yielded positive results. We are now awaiting the last one.
We will share the final results when we have a viewable version of the results for the community.
As a community-focused project, we value and appreciate the safety of our community. That is why we are spending a lot of time verifying the code itself is safe to use, with zero possibility for exploits.
We are pleased to report that everything is looking promising.
All functionality concerns are fixed, and any informational problems do not directly influence the code and are more of a “linguistic/syntax” predicament.
The auditors have performed a deep examination of UFO Gaming’s source code with several rounds of testing, analysis, and conclusions drawn regarding the source code’s structure, implementation, and general best practices. All three companies have completed many rounds of audits to validate the objective was to improve the quality of the company’s or product’s IT infrastructure and source code.
We are looking forward to giving you a safe and clean product experience. We are confident you will like it with our brand new front-end and quality-checked code.

eSport Team HORIZON — ZeroNothing, Mimu & Ruabbe
Our newly-acquired esport team, HORIZON, demonstrated exceptional consistency throughout last week’s ten #ALGS matchups. They placed 8th, only behind giants such as Alliance and Gambit Esports.

We are looking forward to Split 2, where Horizon will aim for Top 5!
If you haven’t already, you can check out these talented players Twitter and Twitch👇
(14) HRZN ZeroNothing (@ZeroNothingg) / Twitter — ZeroNothing — Twitch
(14) HRZN Mimu (@G2Mimu) / Twitter — Mimu2D — Twitch
(14) HRZN Ruabbe (@Ruabbe) / Twitter — ruabbe — Twitch
Over a million viewers were watching their performance for Split 1.
If you want to be one of them, keep up to date with the calendar below 👇
Apex Legends Competitive Gaming Events Calendar — EA Official Site
The Pro League split 2 will begin 26th of February.

Learn more about UFO:
UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized inter-galactic social gaming token. Play-To-Earn. Metaverse. Virtual land. NFT. Gaming. IDO. All in one place.