#8 UFO Gaming Fortnightly

UFO Gaming
11 min readApr 29, 2022


29th of April, 2022 — Alpha launch, UFO Gaming homepage, Super Galactic abilities, and Staking dapp

The last fortnightly introduced the Dark Metaverse Event Teaser, Alpha Test Winners, and some new Genesis NFTs. In addition we talked about Bitcoin Miami and important connections that were made.

This week we have finally released the Super Galactic Alpha version, giving the UFO Army a limited version of Super Galactic, aimed towards improving the official release.

Video format with Ace:


  • Alpha Launch — Product Release Summary
  • UFO Gaming Homepage
  • Staking dapp
  • Super Galactic Abilities
  • Genesis NFT Dances

→ The Zutrori Soldier

→ The Voxis Soldier

→ The Vivius Soldier

→ The Speytri Soldier

→ The Valan Soldier

Let’s dig into it!

Alpha Launch — Product Release Summary

🎉 We have officially launched the alpha phase of our debut game, Super Galactic. This marks the very beginning of a process that will take UFO Gaming to the next level.

With every game that UFO Gaming introduces — UFO tokens will be utilized somehow. An additional deflationary mechanic is presented for every product we release. Ultimately, this means more value to our community, which is a priority for us in the long run.

The alpha test has finally begun! Two weeks ago, we initiated a campaign to allow 1,000 alpha testers to try Super Galactic. Because of the interest, we increased the limit to 1,200, allowing a bigger part of our community to participate.

And finally, at the start of this week — the Super Galactic journey began.

If you were one of the lucky winners, this email would have already gotten to your inbox. The second email should have included your UID key. Simply use your email and UID key to log in to the game.

The first alpha test version is only via Windows. The Android version will be released soon.

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eOroHIrByfXJTJ5ODKHRGGmv5PB8B89z


PVP and Multiplayer mode will be available at the official release. Alpha-test will only include single-player mode.

The alpha test aims to exclude initial glitches/bugs and other mistakes that testers might find. This is mostly focused on the gameplay and mechanics of Super Galactic.

Keep in mind this alpha version is a limited version of Super Galactic without blockchain integration. The gameplay itself does not capture the game in its entirety, as Alpha Testers will be able to test two characters, two weapons, and a few abilities.

The alpha test aims to stress-test, fine-tune and better the game experience for the upcoming official release.

A Successful Launch

Even though the Alpha launch is mainly for making the official launch better, it is always a pleasure to see our community having a good time playing Super Galactic.

We appreciate every feedback — good and bad, as they ultimately will make the official launch of the game better. UFO Gaming will become the cornerstone platform of P2E games, and Super Galactic is our very first step towards that.

Bug Test

Keep your eyes open for UI improvements and general quality of life changes. Anything on your mind? Share it in our Discord, Telegram and bug report software.

The purpose of the alpha test is to improve the official release of Super Galactic. We appreciate every submission of bugs, errors, and mishaps. Every submission ultimately results in a better release of the official game. We have received quite a bit of tickets — not all will be responded to, but every single one will be read and taken into consideration.

🛸Enjoy the alpha, #UFOARMY

How to download

Downloading Super Galactic is simple.

However, only the 1200 alpha testers will have access to the game.

1. Press the Google Drive link here or go to our official Discord.

2. Go to the “application-download” channel and find the download link.

3. Download the game.

4. Right click and download the .zip file.

5. Launch “SuperGalactic.exe”.

6. Input your email and UID key. Check your email/spam inbox — You should have received the UID key by now.

7. Enjoy!

UFO Gaming Homepage

This UFO Gaming website hub or gateway is vital because the Dark Metaverse ecosystem will eventually include a dedicated NFT marketplace, a variety of games, a staking dapp, and other key onboarding components.

That is why we have also been working on a complete rework of the website — giving some attention to old- and new UFO Gaming characters.

This website will serve as a starting point for any user or studio/game developer interested in developing with UFO, acting as a conduit for information and a hub for staking activities, among other things.

With impending releases of brand new products, it is only right that the homepage gets some love too.. 🛸

Staking dapp

Rejoice in joy, #UFOARMY — A final date will be given in May. 🛸

This means that two key UFO Gaming products will be disclosed in addition to already showcasing Super Galactic. The early rendition of our Dark Metaverse, which you will soon be able to explore with your fellow community- and UFO Gaming team members, and, of course, the Staking dapp.

Why is the staking important?

Not only will you get a high APR on your UFO tokens by staking them, but you will also earn Plasma Points due to our dual-staking process. The staking dapp developed by UFO Gaming will effectively act as a liquidity black hole.


You may be wondering where we get all the UFO tokens to pay out as rewards. Over the last few months, we’ve amassed a sizable portion of the UFO token supply through community donations, ecosystem partners, and team members like myself purchasing large amounts of tokens whenever the price of UFO dips. We’ll now combine these tokens and offer them as rewards to anyone who utilizes our staking dapp, dramatically increasing our liquidity and guaranteeing that the dapp pays out a high APR and has a strong use case. Additionally, we’ve implemented a system that allows us to add additional UFO to the rewards pool in the future, enabling us to maintain a high APR for everyone who bets their UFO.

Additionally, there will be a 12-month emission period for UFO prizes, but this will not result in inflation since all tokens are currently in circulation.

You will have the option of staking your UFO alone or combining it with Ethereum for LP staking. Notably, 75% of the total awards will go to the LP pool. The length of the lock influences the weight of the rewards; you may select between unlocked staking, which allows you to unstake at any moment, or a longer period of up to 52 weeks; the longer the lock, the higher the APY.

Plasma Points will be immediately redeemable and delivered, while UFO prizes will need a 12-month vesting time.

Dark Metaverse Launch Party

Now for the exciting part, which I’m most looking forward to: our staking dapp launch party, which will be full of surprises in our Dark Metaverse. The team and I are delighted to meet and speak with all of you at the event. After the event’s conclusion, we will debut and launch the staking dapp; we hope to see you all there.

Super Galactic abilities

We introduced a couple of new abilities to the public…

🤖 Overclocking, Shield Shockwave, Emergency Shielding, Thunder Strike, and Blink are just a few of the new powers you’ll discover on your Super Galactic voyage.

🤖The Zutrori Soldier demonstrating

⚡️ Overclock

⚡️ Shield Shockwave

⚡️ Emergency Shielding

⚡️ Thunder Strike

The Alpha test will showcase a handful of these, but not all — as the primary purpose of Alpha testing is to finetune the overall game for any bugs, ultimately to give our community a smooth experience in the official launch.

Genesis NFT dances

The five remaining Genesis NFTs and their dances have been revealed:

Second Electro Class: The Zutrori Soldier

Second Fire Class: The Speytri Soldier

Second Laser Class: The Voxis Soldier

Second Toxic Class: The Vivius Soldier

Second Physical Class: The Valan Soldier

The Zutrori Soldier

The Zutrori Soldier is the second Electro class. Zutrori, is unquestionably the standout of the bunch. The Zutrori Soldier is an NFT with a lot of aspirations. It doesn’t matter if you’re one of the most powerful creatures in the galaxy; she’ll know what to do if you cross her.

The wild and untamed region denizens known as the Super Galactic realm quickly grew enamored with this strange, electrified, and oily robot. She is said to be able to fight mystic creatures and bosses by herself, using her electric cannons to penetrate their impenetrable skin. The Zutrori Soldier will come and put you to everlasting rest, the devils’ mutter between themselves in the Super Galactic domain.

The Voxis Soldier

Camouflaged and ready, the Voxis Soldier is hard to beat in a fight.

Voxis’ evolutionary journey is drawing to a close. She achieved complete self-sufficiency when she resolved to carry out her original objective independently of her creator, UFoger, and Dophrax.

Inspired by the first-generation Genesis NFTs, Voxis is a more potent version, embedded with strong abilities, such as a laser.

Many have claimed that despite her continuous efforts to assist and preserve the Super Galactic realm, the laser-soldier has started to augment her own form to create utterly self-sufficient machinery.

With her Laser abilities, she disintegrates demons in only a moment.

The Vivius Soldier


Most of the other Genesis NFTs, with the exception of Incendius and Vivius, have a sense of emotion towards biological life. Vivius simply does not care.

With zero emotion, he spews toxic venom all around him, hoping to obliterate demons in the most painful manner.

When you meet Vivius on the battlefield, remember to bring a gas mask…

The Speytri Soldier

The Second Fire Class — The Speytri Soldier

The fiery volcanoes of the Super Galactic world are no match for the Speytri Soldier. What was once the reason for his defeat is now his greatest power.

Speytri’s first meeting with the Super Galactic demons was nothing short of a nightmare. Drowned in the pits of lava, his destiny was thought to be sealed.

But he survived.

The only reason Speytri was able to survive his first mission was due to his sheer resolve and perseverance in the face of the Super Galactic devils’ volcanic weapons. Magma that previously brought him to his knees is now flowing freely through him as he progresses in the game. However, the impact he felt was long-lasting.

Because of his background, he has become a cold-blooded shooter.

The Valan Soldier

The Second Physical Class — The Valan Soldier

Tough as a tank, the Valan soldier beats demons strapped with a punch.

Valan has looked up to his brother his whole life. Every step he took, he was right behind, following his journey. As a result, his abilities are almost identical to Myronox.

Much like his brother, the Myronox Soldier, he may conjure unfathomable speed, resilience, and primal anger by channeling bestial natures. As tough as a bear, as swift as a tiger, and as cunning as a fox. Valan’s unified army will stop all those who want to destroy the natural order of the Super Galactic realm.

Unified by the forces of nature, Valan packs a serious punch.

Learn more about UFO:

UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized gaming platform bridging traditional games onto the blockchain and giving players the ability to earn while playing. Blockchain. P2E. Metaverse. Virtual land. NFT. Gaming.



UFO Gaming

UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized inter-galactic social gaming token. Website: https://www.ufogaming.io/ | Telegram: https://t.me/ufotokenofficial