#10 UFO Gaming Fortnightly

UFO Gaming
9 min readMay 27, 2022


UFO Gaming fortnightly has now reached its 10th edition! It was started intending to give the #UFOARMY some updates of the updates that have occurred the last couple of weeks — giving our users a proper insight into our development and happenings.

This Fortnightly will focus on the successful launch of our Android build, and some updates on the Staking dApp and The Dark Metaverse Event.

This week, the video version was replaced with a Live AMA, which lasted for over 1 hour a couple of days ago.


  • Super Galactic Alpha — Android Version
  • The Dark Metaverse Event & Staking dApp Update
  • Hacken Audit
  • How To Stake
  • New Genesis NFT Breed

Super Galactic Alpha — Android Version

Alpha Testers!

We have some great news. The official Android build for Super Galactic is now available for our 1,200 Alpha Testers.

Google Store Link:


Good to know:

  • Currently live only for the 1,200 Alpha Testers.
  • You can use the same UID and login information as before.
  • Only playable on one device at a time. You can only play on one device with your unique UID code. Playing simultaneously on your deskstop and Android device will not work.

We will also be updating the Desktop/Windows game client build with some minor fixes. Download the latest version, and use the same UID and login information.

* Android build!

* Added quit game button on login screen
* Added privacy policy link to settings screen
* Fixed acid launcher projectile not being able to fly across pits
* Fixed melee attack causing multiple damage popups on first hit
* Fixed “Lightning Link” skill creating connections to dead enemies and quest buildings

For more information regarding the Alpha Test:

Alpha Test — Patch Notes & Client Upgrade | by UFO Gaming | May, 2022 | Medium

Super Galactic Alpha Test — Emails & UID | by UFO Gaming | Apr, 2022 | Medium

The Dark Metaverse Event & Staking dApp Update

On the 25th of May, one of our core team members, Ace, held an AMA updating the community regarding the staking dApp and Metaverse Event.

Unfortunately, the audio cut off the second half of the AMA portion. To fix this, we will be holding our next LIVE AMA’s on our official Twitch channel.

You can watch the Staking dApp and Metaverse walkthrough portion of the AMA here:

Update on the Staking dApp and Metaverse Event

The Staking dApp’s functionalities and audits are completed, and it is at the precipice to be unleashed upon our valued community. However, as we want to couple this release together with the preliminary version of our Dark Metaverse, we will be awaiting the official release until we can release them together. After larger-scale stress-testing the Metaverse servers with around 100 participants simultaneously, our developers noticed a lag in the servers, which would impact the success of the launch event therefore, we are upgrading the servers in order to be able to handle thousands of attendees and be as smooth as possible.

In light of the fact that the staking dApp is complete, audited, and ready for deployment, as seen by our ‘How to Stake’ video and the live Fortnightly #10 we streamed on Telegram, we want to launch it concurrently with the Dark Metaverse reveal and celebration.

A core value of UFO Gaming as a community-driven project is to give our community the highest quality of products. We want them to be as secure and smooth as possible.

As a testament to that core value, we are awaiting the release of our Staking dApp until our developers fully greenlight the Dark Metaverse Event.

We will be continuously updating the community on this process.

In conclusion, as soon as our team of developers handles the server issues, we will celebrate the launch of our staking dapp with a Metaverse party, hosted in a very special location — our Dark Metaverse.

We can’t wait to see you all there!

We will conclude the launch party with the reveal and launch of the long-awaited UFO Gaming staking dapp where you are able to earn UFO and Plasma rewards.

The Metaverse event will also include a special Easter Egg Hunt inside of the Metaverse, where the first ones to find the hidden UFoger will be rewarded.

Easter egg reward $50 per person x 10 winners = $500 prize pool

The Easter Egg hunt entails contestants finding UFoger within the dark Metaverse.

More information regarding this will come at the official Metaverse Event.

Staking Dapp — Hacken Audit

We are excited to showcase the Hacken audit of our Staking Dapp. The entire version will be uploaded to https://hacken.io within a few week’s time.

The severity issues can be described with four definitions: Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

We are proud to say that there is no critical or High issues within our contracts. From the Medium and Low issue, they are defined as a semantic issue, which is reprehended by tweaking the style of code, not its functions.

In other words, we are good to go.

Executive Summary

The score measurement details can be found in the corresponding section of the methodology.

Documentation quality

The Customer provided functional requirements and technical requirements as comments in the code.

The total Documentation Quality score is 9 out of 10.

Architecture quality

The architecture quality score is 8 out of 10. Code reusability could be improved. Security score As a result of the audit, security engineers found 1 medium and 1 low severity issues. The security score is 10 out of 10. All found issues are displayed in the “Findings” section.

Summary According to the assessment, the Customer’s smart contract has the following score: 9.0.

How to stake?

If you are curious to how you stake your UFO tokens, look no further.

Below is a 2 minute video showcasing how you can easily stake to earn Plasma Points and UFO rewards.

Need it in writing? Learn more 👇


1. Buy UFO

Go to ufogaming.io/staking and press “Buy UFO”

Buy option on Uniswap

Option 2: Buy UFO on Uniswap👇


Remember to always double check that the contract address is correct.

UFO Contract address: 0x249e38ea4102d0cf8264d3701f1a0e39c4f2dc3b

Step 1: Swap ETH for UFO

Once you have arrived to Uniswap, enter the amount of ETH you want to swap for $UFO. Press “Swap”.

Step 2: Confirm on Metamask

After pressing “Swap” and “Confirm”, you’ll have to set the appropriate gas fees, and press “Confirm” on the Metamask notification.

Congratulations, you can now use $UFO tokens to stake.

2. How to provide liquidity

Step 1: Provide LP token on Uniswap👇 https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/v2/ETH/0x249e38Ea4102D0cf8264d3701f1a0E39C4f2DC3B?chain=mainnet

LP option on Uniswap

Input your contibution amount to the UFO Gaming Uniswap LP. Click on “Approve UFO” to approve the transaction of your selected token (UFO) between Metamask and Uniswap.

Set the amount of the selected tokens you wish to contribute to the Uniswap UFO-ETH LP. Click “Supply” to proceed.

Check the data and click “confirm” to confirm the contribution to the LP

Set transaction fee and confirm on Metamask.

3. How to stake

Step 1: Go to the staking website when it is published.

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Connect your wallet by pressing the right corner.

Choose between your favorite wallet application. In our case, we will go for Metamask.

Step 3: Choose your stake

Scroll down to “pools” and press “stake” on either UFO or UFO-ETH LP, depending on which tokens you want to stake. The procedure is the same for both.

In the Staking modal, you will have several options. You can choose either UFO or UFO-ETH LP tokens, and the staking duration from 0–52 weeks. The longer you stake, the more APY and subsequent rewards.

Step 4: Approve Staking

Enter the amount of UFO or UFO-ETH LP you want to stake.

Slide the bar to decide how long you want to lock your stake. The longer you lock, the higher rewards.

Once you have decided on the amount and duration, press “Approve Staking”.

Notification to confirm your transaction

Confirm the transaction on Metamask.

Step 5: Monitor your stakes

Under the “My Stakes” section, you can freely claim and unstake. However, if you have locked your stake, you can’t unstake until the duration is up.

New Genesis NFT Breed

New Genesis Breed

Our Genesis NFTs will have all kinds of weird variations when you breed them.

Initially, we encountered something we call the ‘Frankenstein Problem.’

When breeding, the old Genesis NFT body parts mixup did not work well because of their asymmetrical nature, so it looked a little weird when different NFTs were bred together.

Old Genesis Breed

After tweaking the characters, we are happy to say that the Second Generation Genesis NFTs are looking a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

Learn more about UFO:

UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized gaming platform bridging traditional games onto the blockchain and giving players the ability to earn while playing. Blockchain. P2E. Metaverse. Virtual land. NFT. Gaming.



UFO Gaming

UFO Gaming ($UFO) is a fully decentralized inter-galactic social gaming token. Website: https://www.ufogaming.io/ | Telegram: https://t.me/ufotokenofficial